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Stay Focused!!
Great and Wonderful Wednesday!! We are in the second month of the new year and before we know it, 2019 will be knocking at our doors. ...

Improve Your Eyesight
Great and Thankful Tuesday!!! If you have poor eyesight, or you want to maintain good eyesight, included these veggies in your diet. ...

Peppermint Oil
Great and Thankful Monday Morning!! I have been using Peppermint Oil for a few months, and I have to admit that the oil is effective. ...

Showing Gratitude
Great and Thankful Sunday!! What are you grateful for in your life and do you show gratitude towards other people? In this fast-paced...

30-Day Challenge
Great and Thankful Saturday Morning!!! Are you up for the 30 day challenge? You should consult your physician or other healthcare...

Fight the Battle!
Great and Thankful Friday Morning!!!! During this challenging flu-season, it is important that we maintain a healthy and strong immune...

The Benfits of Eating Raw Foods
Thankful Thursday Morning!! The majority of my food intake is raw, but I believe it is important to have a balance between eating raw...
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