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Bad Posture
Thankful Tuesday Morning!! Today, I want you to think about your posture. As we age, we habitually distort and misshape our bodies. We...

Vegan Burger!
Positive Monday Morning!! This weekend, my mom prepared this barbeque-black bean-kale-sweet-potato burger, and it was amazing!!! Before...

Spiritual Fitness Guide
Great and Thankful Sunday Morning! What is your spiritual fitness level? Have a restful and reflective day!! With honor, CM

No-Sweat Cardio
Happy and Thankful Saturday!! Have a great and safe day! You should consult your physician or other healthcare professional before...
Chia Seeds
Great and Thankful Friday!! How to Eat Chia Seeds: "Dry chia seeds can be added whole or ground to smoothies and juices, mixed into...

Bedtime Yoga
Try this yoga workout before bed, and you might sleep better. You never know until you try. If you have questions, contact me at...

Foods that kill cancer!!
Great and Thankful Wednesday!! My top three cancer killer foods are garlic, turmeric, and wheatgrass. It is unlikely to eat all these...

The Benfits of Dark Chocolate
As crazy as it sounds, chocolate may actually be a superfood! Multiple studies show 70% cocoa dark chocolate consumed daily can lower...

Staying Organized
Great and Thankful Monday Morning!! Staying organized can be simple and fun, but more importantly, organization is the key to success. CM

Are You Spiritually Fit?
Thankful Sunday Morning!! If you are not Spiritual Fit, and you have the desire to become fit, develop a plan of action, that is...
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